AAWE 2011
OUR VAT: C10231501111
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Delegate 1:
Delegate 3:
Delegate 5:
Delegate 7:
Delegate 9:
Delegate 2:
Delegate 4:
Delegate 6:
Delegate 8:
Delegate 10:
We are offering gifts.
Method of Payment
1.Cash:  Show proof of deposit
2.Cheques:  To Altenative Energy Impact
3. Bank Transfer:  Bank Details

First National Bank
Kgale View Branch, Branch Code: 284567
Current Account No: 62279103825

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations are accepted and refundable subject to 20% handling fee if made two weeks before the commencement of the conference. Those made afterwards will be liable to pay the full price for the conference. We accept replacements that are indicated in writing before the conference, if for one reason or another registered delegate is not able to attend. Cancellations should be made in writing to Alternative Energy Impact.


This signatory must be authorized to sign on behalf of the stated company. I acknowledge that I have understood all of the payment methods and cancellation policy.
Date:   Click Here To View Calender
Enter Given Code*:
N. B: Payments should reach us at least a week before the conference or the latest at the conference Registration

Tel:+267 3121355, fax +267 3925529 or P.O Box 60017 Gaborone Botswana
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